
Interview in newspaper: "Why Germany, Scandinavia and France are leading in organic"

On Monday 1 March, Dutch daily newspaper Trouw featured a big interview with Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman. The interviews discusses why organic market share in the Netherlands is lacking so far behind (only 3.3%) compared to the rest of Europe. Volkert Engelsman reflects on the issue from 30 years of experience. “Internationally the food market is now all about two words: health and vitality. That is the new normal. But Dutch agriculture has focussed on one thing only since World War II: more kilograms per hectare. This has led to a severe case of mysofobia for organic agriculture”. “As a result, Germany, France and the Scandinavian countries are now leading the way, and the Netherlands follow far behind. Netherlands is only a minor sales country for us.”

Read the original (Dutch) interview here

Internationally the food market is now all about two words: health and vitality. That is the new normal.
Volkert Engelsman